How to Clean Your Sticky Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen cabinets are flying off the shelves! More than $15 billion worth of kitchen cabinets were sold in 2020. 

One reason why is sticky substances. Grease, nut butter, and glue can land on your cabinets and make it hard for you to open or clean them. Many people buy new cabinets because they can't deal with the stickiness anymore.

But you shouldn't get too frustrated. You can clean your sticky kitchen cabinets through a few basic steps. 

What household items can you use to clean your cabinets? How can you avoid staining your cabinets with your cleaning supplies? What products do you need to buy? 

Answer these questions and you can master how to clean kitchen cabinets in no time. Here is your quick guide.

Start With Dishwashing Liquid

Dishwashing liquid can remove sticky grease without damaging your cabinets. You can use any liquid you have on hand, though you may want to select a clear liquid so you don't discolor your cabinet. 

Do not spray dishwashing liquid directly on your cabinets. You should mix the liquid with warm water, then you should use a sponge to soak the solution up. Rub your solution over the grease stains on cabinets and let it stay on there for at least one minute. 

You can then use a dry rag to wipe the solution and stains off. If the stain or grease is still on your cabinet, you can use a brush to scrub it. 

Switch to White Vinegar

White vinegar is another household item you can use for kitchen cabinet cleaning. As with dishwashing liquid, you want to make a solution with vinegar and hot water. 

Put one cup of vinegar and one cup of warm water into a spray bottle. Shake the bottle to mix the two liquids together, then spray the solution onto your cabinets. Wait a few minutes. 

Take a cloth and dip it in warm water. Squeeze the cloth to remove excess moisture, then put the cloth on your cabinets. 

Try Citrus Oil

If vinegar doesn't work, you can use citrus oil. If you have a lemon on hand, squeeze the lemon into a mixture of baking soda and warm water. Put the solution in a spray bottle and spray it on your cabinets. 

You can also use a multipurpose cleaner that has citrus oil in it. Make sure citrus oil is an active ingredient and not just a scent for your cleaner. Follow the instructions on the bottle and use a soft cloth or paper towel to clean it up.

It is okay if your kitchen cabinets still have a little grease on them. As long as you can open and store things in your cabinets, you can use them. But if the doors and shelves are damaged, you should look into options for kitchen cabinets and buy a new one.

Clean Your Sticky Kitchen Cabinets

Sticky kitchen cabinets deserve your immediate attention. You can use dishwashing liquid, as long as you make a good solution with it and warm water. 

If you don't have dishwashing liquid on hand, you can use white vinegar instead. Mix it with hot water in a spray bottle and wipe your cabinet down with a wet towel. When nothing is working, you can use a multipurpose cleaner with lemon juice or citrus oil in it. 

You can also buy cabinets that resist grease and grime. The Nashua Home Design Center provides premium kitchen cabinets. Contact us today.


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